After picking my younger brother up just outside Denver, we were in Rocky Mountain National Park catching those beautiful greenback cutthroat by 1:30PM MST.
This was waiting for me at my brother's place (Thanks Becca!):
Phil's First Greenback:
Day two put us north of the park in search of greyling and fishing with one of Phil's fellow bamboo rodmakers. This adventure would start near the 10,000 feet barrier and it started slow. It must have taken well over an hour (wet wading in 45 degree water) before we even moved/spooked a fish.
That one fish must have been a good omen because after that it was lights out (until the storms pushed us off the water). We had to have been near the 50 fish mark again with just two of us today. My guess would be 70-80% of those fish were greyling with the remainder being greenbacks - I did break off a very nice greenback trying to keep it out of a root ball.
This was everything I wanted on my little 1wt boo!
Caught a few more greenbacks:
Let me tell you thunder sounds much different when you are in the clouds that create it!
Once the storms rolled through, we tried to fish in the rain but the temps had dropped significantly. Even in raingear I was cold, so we made the decision to head off the mountain. I didn't hit triple digits, but 57 in a little over three hours wasn't too bad.
We set up camp in Timber Creek campground, which we had to share with the resident herd of elk. They were present for dinner that evening and again for breakfast the following day.
Once hitting the water, the fishing was slow but it was still early and the temps were still low. Once the temps start rising the fish count did the same. Phil and Matt both landed numerous Colorado River cutts, completing phase two for Phil and phase three for Matt.
Matt had caught the third and final cutt, the Rio Grande, on a September 2006 trip to the lower part of the state.
After "checking the box" on this day, we continued to push upstream. We fished some of the highest gradient water I have ever fished - it was like fishing in a stairwell!
Fishing Straight Up!
This meadow section is quite different than the meadow section of the previous day. This water is only two feet wide and in most places it is deeper than it is wide. If you can thread the needle and get a fly on the water, something will take a swipe at it.
Day five had Phil and I headed to the southern border of the state after the Rio Grande cutthroat, with a stop at a bristlecone pine stand.
Windy Ridge Bristlecone Pines
After arriving on the stream and setting up camp, it was a quick trip to the stream as the storms brewed in the head of the valley. We fished some very nice looking water and did not move a fish. We ran into an older gentleman (from Ohio) who did not move a fish in five hours. He told us he didn't know what was wrong as he put it "this stream used to be lights out". As we were talking, another angler stopped by and expressed the same sentiment. We asked this guy for another alternative, he gave us a name with a wink, and we were off.
This stream would put us over 11,500 feet (the campsite was 10,700). Phil was able to complete his slam while landing a very nicely colored cutt. I caught what appeared to be a cutt-mix of some type and another that appeared to be a Snake River fine spot???
NOT a Rio Grande Cutthroat:
Conejos River Valley
Our Destination Below!
TRUE Rio Grande Cutthroat!
With some good internet bulletin board assistance and advice from Devin at Conejos River Anglers we had directions on exactly where to go and how to fish.
Upon arrival to the stream, it was easy to see the salmon pooled up b the hundreds. These fish were still "green" and neither of us knew what we were in store for.
Deep drifting red copper John's and red pheasant tails, we were able to hook up with a few. When you hooked up....HANG ON! Now I have caught decent size smallmouth bass and even a few nice trout, but nothing I have ever hooked in over thirty years of fishing has EVER fought like that.
From this stream it was up and over the divide to another trailhead and the challenge of another 14er.
Campsite at Mt. Elbert Trailhead
(that's our destination in the background)
Our Route:

Nearly four and a half hours later we were standing on the summitt in the presence of another Mountaineer. About 100 yards from the summit, at the junction with Mt. Elbert's southeast trail, we ran into a fellow hiker wearing a WVU hat - what a small world.
On Top of the World!
Mt. Massive (14,421 feet)
Relief & Satisfaction!
With one day remaining, we decided to simply be tourists. We decided to head back into Rocky Mountain National Park to see a few areas I have yet to visit, mainly Old Fall River Road.
But first, we had a pilgrimage of sorts to make. We had to find Mike Clark's shop in Lyons. Mike is a very accomplished bamboo rodmaker, but probably more famous as a fishing partner of John Gierach.
I had been through Lyons several times but had no idea where his shop was located, and it is located on Main Street.
We found the shop and it was everything we thought it would be. There were Mike Clark rods, Bob White prints, AK Best-tied flies, and autographed Gierach books. I could have spent several thousand dollars in there, but I would not have survived when I got home. I did make out with an autographed 20th Anniversary of Trout Bum, an autographed Fly Fishing With AK Best, and a half-dozen of AK's flies.
Trout Bum
From there we made a loop through the east side of the park, back to Estes Park, then back to Matt's to catch the WVU game. I decided to take an alternate route from Estes Park to Lyons along "Gierach's St. Vrain" and I'm so glad I did!
We had great views of RMNP's only 14er (Long's Peak), Mt. Meeker (13,995 feet) and the canyon of the South Fork of the St. Vrain - and I'm sure at some point we had to have driven past John Gierach's home....and WVU won too.
RMNP - Old Fall River Road
RMNP - Trail Ridge Road
Gierach's St. Vrain Canyon (w/ crazy people included)
The link to the video:
Colorado 2008 - "The Cuttslam"
Also, check out Phil's photo collections:
Vandalia Image Works